The World's First Microplastics Blood Test Kit
Test From the Comfort Of Your Own Home
The World's First Microplastics Blood Test Kit
Test From the Comfort Of Your Own Home
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Test From the Comfort Of Your Own Home
Test From the Comfort Of Your Own Home
Plastics are used in thousands of products that we come in contact with on a daily basis. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastics that can end up anywhere and can ultimately make their way into your body via many avenues.
Microplastics have been shown to cause cancer, asthma, fatigue, metabolic disorders, organ dysfunction, dementia and reproductive issues.
Plastictox allows you to do your own research and take the first steps toward preventing these and other illnesses.
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Yes microplastics have been repeatedly detected in human blood. Microplastics are fragments of any type of plastic less than 5mm in length. They can be found in a variety of sources such as clothing, food packaging, cosmetics, vape products and many more.
The microplastic content of the blood gives an indication of the presence of plastic particles in the blood at a certain time at a certain place (the capillary network in the fingertip).
Microplastics enter the body in general via the skin and the digestive system.
The Plastictox blood test is designed to determine the microplastic load in a dried blood sample. It does not give any information about deposits of microplastics in the organs and tissues.
The plastic particles (if present) are isolated and processed using a detection method in which the particles are counted and their sizes are measured.
The client collects a dried blood sample by means of a puncture in the fingertip. After the dried blood sample is received by SV Biotech B.V., the content of microplastics is analysed after application of a dye that specifically stains plastic particles. Using imaging techniques, every particle with a size of 1-70 µm is detected and counted in the sample.
Upon ordering, a kit is sent to you. Included in this kit is everything you need to perform the collection. Users need only follow the steps highlighted below to order your kit, collect, and receive your results. It’s that easy!
For further information and an instructional video, please visit
Plastictox is manufactured in the USA and has received clinical approval via peer review from a CLIA/COLA certified firm. The performing lab, SV Biotech B.V. is located in the Netherlands, EU and has been approved and certified for ML1 and the work is executed under BSL2 conditions.
Each completed lab report includes a positive or negative result on the presence of microplastics. If microplastics are detected, concentration, size, and likely root contaminant is provided. In the event of repeat testing, concentration can be used to find correlation between behaviour and level of concentration for both research and personal use.
If there are microplastics detected in your blood sample, you should examine your lifestyle and wherever possible, refrain from using as many products as possible that contain plastics. You cannot avoid completely but you can limit your exposure. Here are only a few examples:
If you are a clinic, research facility or any business interested in this microplastic blood detection kit, we would love to visit you by appointment
Epsom, Surrey, England, United Kingdom
Email: Tel: 07715 068258 Email: Tel: 07881 950813